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新世紀純音-梅德溫·古奧 Medwyn Goodall(Midori)無損合集 1987年-2012年 共143CD MP3音樂 DVD版(3DVD)


語文版本: 新世紀純音-梅德溫·古奧 Medwyn Goodall(Midori)無損合集 1987年-2012年 共143CD
光碟片數: 3片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 320Kbps
檔案格式: MP3
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: MP3音樂
更新日期: 2021.06.20

Medwyn Goodall 梅德溫·古奧,一九六一年生於英國Harrowgate的 Yorkshire Dale
,並在這個美麗的鄉下他度過了他的童年, 他姓名中的“Medwyn”是一個古凱爾特
名字,現在在威爾士地區還可以聽得到。 他是一個完全的素食主義者,沒有孩子,
是個十足的愛貓人; 喜歡科幻電影、池塘、水族箱,還有漫步。他在六十年代的流
行樂曲聲中長大,他尤其喜愛 Beatles 和 Beach Boys ——他們的旋律影響了他,
促使他要求並得到他的第一把吉他;Medwyn Goodall 長到11歲的時候見到了英國流
行歌星 Cliff Richard,他鼓勵他走上了音樂的道路。 當他在他的吉它上掌握了兩
三個和絃之後就馬上開始了作曲, 並且和許多象他一樣十幾歲的年青人組成的樂隊
去演奏。其中一支叫Trax的樂隊曾經在電視和電臺的節目中出現, 並且作為英國廣

Medwyn Goodall 靠自學而精通多項樂器,其實他並不會讀或寫譜,但卻在自建的工
作室裏錄製下自己作曲、編曲的音樂,令人驚奇的是你可以在他每張作品中, 找出
一打以上的樂器來……Medwyn Goodall 喜歡以古文明人作為創作的題材,並在自然
環境中尋找靈感, 他能將旋律完美準確地嵌入,有著素人音樂家無可抗拒的魅力!
Medwyn Goodall 從他的家鄉和工作室所在地Cornwall那美好的鄉村景色中獲得了靈
感並將它們融入到自己的音樂中。他的主要樂器吉他, 同時它還能演奏一打以上的

Medwyn Goodall 最終還是成為了一個自然音樂家,他拾起許多樂器並演奏它們。他
演奏樂器的範圍十分驚人, 包括低音提琴、曼陀林、鋼琴、鼓、豎琴、長笛、鍾琴
、牧笛、電顫琴和各種電子合成器。他自己設計並修建了自己的錄音室, 並設置了
各種各樣的取樣器(Medwyn Goodall 聲稱這是他最喜歡的樂器,因為它們能演奏出


Medwyn Goodall1987-Emergence(浮現)[APE整軌]
01. Misty Morning Water.mp3
02. Sea Of Clouds.mp3
03. Driftwood.mp3
04. Sail Away.mp3
05. Man On A Mountain.mp3
06. Lonely Caverns.mp3
07. Tideline.mp3
08. Lovers Lullaby.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1987-Innocence 純真[MP3]
01 - Seascape.mp3
02 - Gold Dust.mp3
03 - Elysian Fields.mp3
04 - Blue Mountain.mp3
05 - Days Of Innocence.mp3
06 - Eaerly Morning.mp3
07 - Still Waters.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1988-Paradise Moon 天堂月 [MP3]
01. Blossoms For Your Room.mp3
02. Fragrances From Paradise.mp3
03. Reflections.mp3
04. Fairy Land - The Last.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1989-Angel Sleep 天使搖籃曲 [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall1989-Gifts Of Comfort And Joy:Christmas 舒適和愉悅的禮物:聖誕節 [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall1989-In the Stillness of a Moment(片刻寂靜)[FLAC+CUE]
02.Those Quiet Eyes.mp3
03.Gifts from Your Hand.mp3
04.The Lady of Grey Days.mp3
05.In the Stillness of a Moment.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1990-(神秘三部曲 I)Druid德魯伊[APE整軌]
01. Nine Maidens.mp3
02. Mermaid's Rock.mp3
03. Nine Maidens (reprise).mp3
04. Celtic Dawn.mp3
05. Trewa, Home of the Druids.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1990-(神秘三部曲 II)Merlin梅林法師[APE整軌]
01. Myrrdin.mp3
02. Mystic Potions.mp3
03. Tyntagyll.mp3
04. Lady Of The Lake.mp3
05. The Sword.mp3
06. Alchemy.mp3
07. Druid's Return.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1990-(神秘三部曲 III)Excalibur亞瑟王的神劍[APE整軌]
01. Caliburn.mp3
02. Uther and Igrayne.mp3
03. Belthane.mp3
04. The Grall.mp3
05. The Last Battle.mp3
06. Lament.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1990-Leo(獅子座)[APE整軌]
01. Skylark, Pt. 1.mp3
02. Dandelion Clock.mp3
03. Elixir of Life.mp3
04. Sunchild.mp3
05. The Moon and You.mp3
06. Summerland.mp3
07. Skylark, Pt. 2.mp3
08. Leo.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1992-The Way Of The Dolphin(海豚三部曲 I 海豚之愛)[APE整軌]
01. 1. Odyssey.mp3
02. 2. Shared Worlds.mp3
03. 3. Whale Requiem.mp3
04. 4. Reverberations.mp3
05. 5. Dolphin Dreams.mp3
06. 6. Tears of the Deep.mp3
07. 7. Undersea Oasis.mp3
08. 8. Face to Face.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1993-Great Spirit(聖靈三部曲 I 大魔神)[APE整軌]
01. 01 Spirit Dancer.mp3
02. 02 Midnight Quest.mp3
03. 03 Shadow Hunter.mp3
04. 04 Riding the Dreamland.mp3
05. 05 Farewell My Homeland.mp3
06. 06 Totem.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1993-Kingdom Of The Sun God(太陽帝國)[APE整軌]
01. Dream Catcher.mp3
02. Realm Of The Condors.mp3
03. Inco Gold.mp3
04. Temple Of The Sun.mp3
05. Plummage.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1994-Four Horsemen 四騎士 [MP3]
01 - The Awakening.mp3
02 - The Sword of Truth.mp3
03 - No More Secrets.mp3
04 - Elegy.mp3
05 - The Power and The Glory.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1994-Nazca Land_Of The Incas(印加的納茲卡大地)[APE整軌]
01. Vicuna.mp3
02. Nazca.mp3
03. Powder Ice.mp3
04. Kacharpaya.mp3
05. Sangay.mp3
06. Cordillera de Blanca.mp3
07. Machu Picchu.mp3
08. Cotopaxi.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1994-Purple Dream紫色的夢 [MP3]
01 - Unfolding Barriers.mp3
02 - Storm Electric.mp3
03 - Follow that UFO.mp3
04 - Dreeem.mp3
05 - Take Me to the Beach Party.mp3
06 - Commuted.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1994-Return To Eden 重返伊甸園[MP3]
01 - The Goddess.mp3
02 - Lost Souls.mp3
03 - Awakening Dragons.mp3
04 - The Return.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-Eagle Spirit(聖靈三部曲 II 鷹之聖靈)[FLAC+CUE]
01 - Eagle Spirit.mp3
02 - Sacred Companion.mp3
03 - And Wings to Protect You.mp3
04 - Watcher of Heaven.mp3
05 - Shared Vision.mp3
06 - The Last Feather.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-Goddess From The Sea(海之女神)[APE整軌]
01. Stirring The Waters.mp3
02. Serenity Of The Sea.mp3
03. Mermaids.mp3
04. Coral Palace.mp3
05. Beneath The Sea.mp3
06. Neptune Rising.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-Golden Dreams, Forever永遠的黃金夢[FLAC+CUE]
01. Watching Silent Water.mp3
02. Hospitality.mp3
03. Gysbreght's Wall.mp3
04. Miracle.mp3
05. Independence.mp3
06. Magic Centre.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-Into the Rainforest 進入雨林[MP3]
01 - Into the Rainforest Part 1.mp3
02 - Into the Rainforest Part 2.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-Neptune:God Of The Ocean海王星:上帝的海洋 [MP3]
01 - Stirring the Waters.mp3
02 - Serenity of the Sea.mp3
03 - Mermaids.mp3
04 - Coral Palace.mp3
05 - Love Duet.mp3
06 - Neptune rising.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-Sapphire 天藍 [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall1995-Siesta(女神)[APE整軌]
01. The Scent Of Your Hair.mp3
02. Colours Of Silence.mp3
03. Timeless Story.mp3
04. Pastel Moods.mp3
05. Stolen Kisses.mp3
06. Still Dreaming.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-The Dolphin Quest(海豚三部曲 Ⅱ 尋訪海豚)[APE整軌]
01. Divine Connections (Part One).mp3
02. Atlantean Crystal.mp3
03. Unconditional Love.mp3
04. Messenger From Sirius.mp3
05. Turquoise Ocean.mp3
06. Divine Connections (Part Two).mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-The Grail Quest(亞瑟王傳奇系列 I 尋找聖盃)[APE整軌]
01. The Grail.mp3
02. The Quest Knights.mp3
03. My Lady's Favour.mp3
04. Endless Search.mp3
05. Galahad.mp3
06. Journey's End.mp3
07. The Grail (Part Two).mp3

Medwyn Goodall1995-The Island 神秘島 [MP3]
01 - From the Beach to the Rainforest.mp3
02 - From the Forest to the Lagoon.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-All Good Things (Best Of Collection)一切美好(精選輯) [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall1996-Celtic Sunrise 凱爾特日出 [MP3]
01 - Through the Mists of Time.mp3
02 - On the High Moor.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-King Shaman(女巫醫系列之王者風範)[APE整軌]
01. Zulu.mp3
02. Dingle Bay.mp3
03. The Snake Charmer.mp3
04. Fire Walk.mp3
05. OM.mp3
06. White Arrow.mp3
07. Turkish Delight.mp3
08. Macgillycuddy's Reeks.mp3
09. Tolima.mp3
10. The Riddle.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-Moon Goddess(女月女神)[APE整軌]
01. Eyes of Heaven.mp3
02. Full Moon Magic.mp3
03. Banquet in the Woods.mp3
04. Drawing Down the Moon.mp3
05. Deepest Secrets.mp3
06. Moonlit Whispers.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-Myths & Magic神話與魔術 [MP3]
01 - Medwyn Goodall - Medicine Woman.mp3
02 - Terry Oldfield - Out Of The Depths.mp3
03 - Runestone - Mysteries.mp3
04 - Medwyn Goodall - Merlin.mp3
05 - Runestone - Stonehenge.mp3
06 - Peter Howell - Legend.mp3
07 - Chris Green - Crusader.mp3
08 - Phil Thornton - Edge Of Dreams.mp3
09 - Medwyn Goodall - Excalibur.mp3
10 - Terry Oldfield - Resonance.mp3
11 - Medwyn Goodall - Merlin Mystic Potions.mp3
12 - Medwyn Goodall - Druid.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-Native American Dream(休休尼人的夢想)[APE整軌]
01. Spirit Dancer (great Spirit).mp3
02. Sun Drumming (medicine Woman).mp3
03. The Healing Circle (shaman).mp3
04. Wolf (medicine Dance).mp3
05. Eagle Spirit (eagle Spirit).mp3
06. Song Of The Earth (spirit Of The Redman).mp3
07. Song Of The Water (spirit Of The Redman II).mp3
08. Song Of The Fire (spirit Of The Redman II).mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-Pagan Dawn(異教徒)(黎明)[APE整軌]
01. Medicine Woman - Talisman.mp3
02. Druid - Nine Maidens.mp3
03. Medicine Woman - Healing Resurgence.mp3
04. Moon Goddess - Eyes Of Heaven.mp3
05. Kingdom of the Sungod - Dream Catcher.mp3
06. Kingdom of the Sungod - Realm Of The Condors.mp3
07. Excalibur - Caliburn.mp3
08. Medicine Woman - Invocation.mp3
09. Merlin - Lady Of The Lake.mp3
10. Earth Healer - Pathfinder.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-Priestess :Return To Atlantis(女祭司:重返亞特蘭蒂斯)[APE整軌]
01. Return To Atlantis.mp3
02. Temple of Prophecy.mp3
03. Wisdom of the Ancients.mp3
04. Crystal Alignment.mp3
05. Symbols of Peace.mp3
06. Chamber of Mysteries.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-The Gift of Excalibur(亞瑟王傳奇系列 Ⅱ 聖劍的饋贈)[APE整軌]
01. Merlin and the Dragon's Breath.mp3
02. The Gift of Excalibur.mp3
03. Lancelot du Lac.mp3
04. One Land One King.mp3
05. Camelot.mp3
06. The Minstrel.mp3
07. The Lady Guinevere.mp3
08. King Arthur.mp3
09. King Arthur Two.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1996-Where Angels Tread(天使輓歌)[APE整軌]
01. Heavenly Grace.mp3
02. Moments of Beauty.mp3
03. Celestial Peac.mp3
04. Right As a Star.mp3
05. Golden Wings.mp3
06. Palace of Dreams.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-A Christmas Tapestry(聖誕思緒)[APE整軌]
01. Hark The Herald Angels Sing.mp3
02. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.mp3
03. Deck The Hall.mp3
04. I Saw Three Ships.mp3
05. O Come All Ye Faithful.mp3
06. Once In Royal David's City.mp3
07. Silent Night.mp3
08. The Holly And The Ivy.mp3
09. Ding Dong Merrily On High.mp3
10. Jingle Bells.mp3
11. O Little Town Of Bethlehem.mp3
12. The Twelve Days Of Christmas.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-Alcazar Flame Of Passion(西班牙傳奇)[APE整軌]
01. Flame of Desire - La Ilama del Deseo.mp3
02. The Legend of El Cid - La Leyenda of El Cid.mp3
03. Zapateado.mp3
04. Sacromonte Caves - Cuevas del Sacromonte.mp3
05. Amadis of Gaul - Amadis de Gaula.mp3
06. The Wedding of Amadis and Oriana - La Boda de Amadis y Oriana.mp3
07. The Adventures of Amadis - Las Aventuras de Amadis.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-Catalan Siesta 午休 [MP3]
01. The_Scent_Of_Your_Hair.mp3
02. Colours_Of_Silence.mp3
03. Timeless_Story.mp3
04. Pastel_Moods.mp3
05. Stolen_Kisses.mp3
06. Still_Dreaming.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-Dreamcatcher 追夢人 [MP3]
01 - Sun Dance.mp3
02 - Medicine Wheel.mp3
03 - The Shaman.mp3
04 - Vision Quest.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-Medicine Woman(女巫醫系列1:女巫醫)[APE整軌]
01. Invocation.mp3
02. Talisman.mp3
03. Temple Journey.mp3
04. Medicine Woman.mp3
05. Rejuvenation.mp3
06. Sun Drumming.mp3
07. mmortality.mp3
08. Healing Resurgence.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-Spirit of Christmas聖誕精神 [MP3]
01 - Hark The Herald Angels Sing.mp3
02 - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.mp3
03 - Deck The Hall.mp3
04 - I Saw Three Ships.mp3
05 - O Come All Ye Faithful.mp3
06 - Once In Royal David's City.mp3
07 - Silent Night.mp3
08 - The Holly And The Ivy.mp3
09 - Ding Dong Merrily On High.mp3
10 - Jingle Bells.mp3
11 - O Little Town Of Bethlehem.mp3
12 - The Twelve Days Of Christmas.mp3
13 - We Wish You A Merry Christmas.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1997-The Fair Queen Guinevere(亞瑟王傳奇系列 Ⅲ 美麗的王后)[APE整軌]
01. Harvest Moon.mp3
02. Guinevere.mp3
03. Morgan le Fey.mp3
04. Love and Fate.mp3
05. The Yearning.mp3
06. Forbidden Kiss.mp3
07. An English Rose.mp3
08. All for Love.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998(Midori) Gregorian Harmony(格裡高利聖詠)[APE整軌]
01. Gregorian Soul.mp3
02. Mercy on Me.mp3
03. Through Dark Ages.mp3
04. Veni Creato.mp3
05. Pange Lingua.mp3
06. Ancient Ways.mp3
07. Devotion.mp3
08. Passage to Heaven.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Alpha & Omega 阿爾法和歐米茄 [MP3]
01 - Alpha.mp3
02 - Omega.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Ancient Nazca Inca Mysterious(印加神奇)[APE整軌]
01. 01.Viscacha(太陽門).mp3
02. 02.Chimborazo(古城探密).mp3
03. 03.Misti(馬丘比丘).mp3
04. 04.Atacama(消失的城市).mp3
05. 05.Taruca(太陽之子).mp3
06. 06.Machu Picchu II-The Inner Temple(石雕像).mp3
07. 07.Es Para Ti(安第斯山脈).mp3
08. 08.Ansiedad(神奇畫布).mp3
09. 09.Andes,the Restless Landscape(歸程).mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Ancient Nazca, Inca Mysteries古代納斯卡,印加人之謎 [MP3]
01. Viscacha.mp3
02. Chimborazo.mp3
03. El Misti.mp3
04. Atacama.mp3
05. Taruca.mp3
06. Machu Picchu Part 2, The Inner.mp3
07. Es Para Ti.mp3
08. Ansiedad.mp3
09. Andes, The Restless Landscape.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Clan A Celtic Journey(凱爾特三部曲 I 部落 - 凱爾特之旅)[APE整軌]
01. Raven.mp3
02. The Gold Talisman.mp3
03. The Warrior.mp3
04. The Gathering.mp3
05. The Lands Beyond.mp3
06. A Maiden's Prayer.mp3
07. Clan.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Kindred Spirits(家族精神)[APE整軌]
01. Blossoms For Your Room.mp3
02. Reflections.mp3
03. Fairyland.mp3
04. Fragrances From Paradise.mp3
05. The Last River part 1.mp3
06. Early Morning.mp3
07. Days Of Innocence.mp3
08. Gold Dust.mp3
09. Still Waters.mp3
10. The Gift.mp3
11. The Last River part 2.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Secrets Of The Panpipes 排簫的秘密 [MP3]
01 - Secrets.mp3
02 - Nature's Prayer.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-The Best of Medwyn Goodall [MP3]
01 - turkish delight.mp3
02 - divine connections.mp3
03 - ansiedad.mp3
04 - neptune rising.mp3
05 - sangay.mp3
06 - camelot.mp3
07 - the adventures of amadis.mp3
08 - avalon.mp3
09 - white sales.mp3
10 - the last wilderness.mp3
11 - wakinyjan.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Tintagel, Castle of Arthur(亞瑟王傳奇系列IV 亞瑟城堡)[APE整軌]
01. Merlin's Cave.mp3
02. The Castle on the Cliff.mp3
03. The Round Table.mp3
04. The Joust.mp3
05. Betrothal.mp3
06. My Lady's Garden.mp3
07. The Age of Chivalry.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1998-Wisdom Of The Forest 森林的智慧 [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall1999-Arthur's Round Table(亞瑟王傳奇系列 V 圓桌騎士)[APE整軌]
01. The Path Of Merlin.mp3
02. Pendragon Legacy.mp3
03. Mordred.mp3
04. Dozmary Pool.mp3
05. Avalon.mp3
06. Arthur's Round Table.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Comet(寄語彗星)[APE整軌]
01. Future Written.mp3
02. Lagoon Nebula.mp3
03. Ice Crystals.mp3
04. Earth Passing.mp3
05. Starseed.mp3
06. Inherit the Stars.mp3
07. Behold the Darkness.mp3
08. Twin Moons.mp3
09. Stargate (cd bonus track).mp3
10. Future Written (single version).mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Earth Healer(地球醫生)[APE整軌]
01. Pathfinder.mp3
02. Gateway to Heaven.mp3
03. Pathfinder (reprise).mp3
04. Vision Quest.mp3
05. Crystal Healing.mp3
06. Spirit of the Phoenix.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Green Dream 綠色的夢 [MP3]
01 - Ice Green.mp3
02 - Big Big Pow Wow.mp3
03 - Flow With The Go.mp3
04 - Do You Sleep When You Dream-.mp3
05 - Journey To The Bottom Of The Pond.mp3
06 - Ozone Friendly.mp3
07 - Movin' South.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Guardian Spirit(聖靈三部曲 III 守護神)[APE整軌]
01. Heaven & Earth.mp3
02. Wolf Companion.mp3
03. Forest Spirit.mp3
04. Nature's Dream.mp3
05. Water Song.mp3
06. Night Protection.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Medicine Woman Vol.2(女巫醫系列II天聲奪人)[APE整軌]
01. Celebration.mp3
02. Invocation [part 2].mp3
03. Juncle Heart.mp3
04. Orchid Potion.mp3
05. The Gift.mp3
06. Talking to the Sun.mp3
07. Sacred Ground.mp3
08. After the Rains.mp3
09. Emerald - Mayan Relic.mp3
10. The Gift [single version].mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Millennium(千禧女巫醫)[APE整軌]
01. Millennium1.mp3
02. Millennium2.mp3
03. Millennium3.mp3
04. Millennium4.mp3
05. Millennium5.mp3
06. Millennium6.mp3

Medwyn Goodall1999-Peaceful Garden 寧靜花園 [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall2000(Midori) Feng Shui (風水)[APE整軌]
01. Purification.mp3
02. Attracting Chi.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-Bali巴厘島 [MP3]
01 - Lake of Purity.mp3
02 - Forgotten Temple.mp3
03 - Spirits of the Mountain.mp3
04 - Ocean Shrine.mp3
05 - Islands at Dusk.mp3
06 - Holy Waters.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-Essence of Magic(魔力之源)[APE整軌]
01. The Essence.mp3
02. Eye of the Storm.mp3
03. Cloudburst.mp3
04. The Magic.mp3
05. Ride the Wind.mp3
06. Essence of Magic.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-Fantasy Collection:Dragon's Keep 幻想集:龍之要塞 [MP3]

Medwyn Goodall2000-Lightstream(光束)[APE整軌]
01. New Horizons.mp3
02. Dreaming With The Stream.mp3
03. Transitions.mp3
04. Love For Eternity.mp3
05. Romancing The Light.mp3
06. To Touch Hope.mp3
07. The Wonder.mp3
08. Changing Worlds.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-Odyssey奧德賽[MP3]
01 - Odyssey.mp3
02 - Into the Unknown.mp3
03 - Riding the Storm.mp3
04 - Warm Breeze.mp3
05 - Trials Of Life.mp3
06 - Memories of Childhood.mp3
07 - Homeward Journey.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-Official Medwyn Goodall Fan Club, Volume 3,7 官方粉絲俱樂部,卷3、7 [MP3]
01 - Introduction.mp3
02 - As Yet Untitled.mp3
03 - Out-Takes From Making The Cd.mp3
04 - Great Spirit & Druid.mp3
05 - Turning Point.mp3
06 - Moon Goddess & Priestess.mp3
07 - Medwyn - In The Studio!.mp3
08 - End.mp3
09 - Introduction To Volume 7.mp3
10 - Cloisters.mp3
11 - The King's Swans.mp3
12 - The Wishing Well.mp3
13 - The Puppeteers.mp3
14 - Medwyn Answers Questions.mp3
15 - Falmouth.mp3
16 - Bach - Brandenberg 3.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-The Mind, Body & Soul Series 心身靈系列Meditation & Visualisation冥想與呈現[APE整軌]
01. The Awakening.mp3
02. Bringer of Light.mp3
03. The Water of Life.mp3
04. Dancing with the Wind.mp3
05. Earth Song.mp3
06. Heaven's Scent.mp3
07. Free Spirit.mp3
08. Eternal Love.mp3
09. Memories.mp3
10. The Journey.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-The Mind, Body & Soul Series 心身靈系列Reflexology足底按摩[APE整軌]
01. Healing and Cleansing.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-The Mind, Body & Soul Series 心身靈系列Sleep睡眠 [MP3]
01 - Enticing the Dream.mp3
02 - Gentle Slumber.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-The Scroll-Part II of The Clan Trilogy(凱爾特三部曲 Ⅱ 上古卷軸)[APE整軌]
01. The Heartlands.mp3
02. The Scroll.mp3
03. Maiden's Kiss.mp3
04. Shrine of the Elders.mp3
05. The Abbey - Galantain's Sword.mp3
06. Celtic Fire.mp3
07. Chieftans.mp3
08. Tempest.mp3
09. A Maiden's Love.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2000-Visions-The Best of 1990-1995(1990-1995精選集)[FLAC+CUE]
01. Invocation.mp3
02. Spirit Dancer.mp3
03. Temple Journey.mp3
04. Vision Quest.mp3
05. Tears of the Deep.mp3
06. Undersea Oasis.mp3
07. Sacred Companion.mp3
08. Pathfinder-Reprise.mp3
09. Lady of the Lake.mp3
10. Nine Maidens.mp3
11. The Mountains Will Remember Us.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Anam Cara(亞南·卡拉)[APE整軌]
01. Spin of the Reel.mp3
02. Headwind.mp3
03. The Willow.mp3
04. Shadow on the Glen.mp3
05. Forgiven.mp3
06. Anam Cara.mp3
07. The Wisdom of Ages.mp3
08. Whisper on the Moors.mp3
09. Love Conquers All.mp3
10. Candle in the Dark.mp3
11. Anam Cara Reprise.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Celtic Visions 凱爾特人視野 [MP3]
01 - Falcon.mp3
02 - The Homelands.mp3
03 - The Circle.mp3
04 - Where Time Stands Still.mp3
05 - Ancient Rite.mp3
06 - Magic Stone.mp3
07 - Earth Lore.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Earth Love地球之愛 [MP3]-320
Earth Love - cd 1 @256
01 - Earth Love I.mp3
02 - Earth Love II.mp3
03 - Earth Love III.mp3
04 - Earth Love IV.mp3

└─Earth Love - cd 2 @320
01 - Earth Love V.mp3
02 - Earth Love VI.mp3
03 - Earth Love VII.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Eternal Pathways永恆之路 [MP3]
01 - Transformation.mp3
02 - New Horizons.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Four Seasons 四季系列Autumn 秋 [MP3]
01. Morning Dew.mp3
02. Many Shades Of Gold.mp3
03. After The Harvest.mp3
04. A Gentle Rain.mp3
05. Through The Wood.mp3
06. Across The Open Fields.mp3
07. The Sinking Sun.mp3
08. As Nights Draw In.mp3
09. Migration.mp3
10. First Frost.mp3
11. White Is The Morning.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Four Seasons 四季系列Spring 春 [MP3]
01. Fresh Is The Morning.mp3
02. Blue Skies.mp3
03. The Mist On The Hills.mp3
04. The Wild Meadow.mp3
05. Evening Stillness.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Four Seasons 四季系列Summer 夏 [MP3]
01. Cool Of The Shade.mp3
02. She Smiles Like The Sun.mp3
03. Lazy Afternoon.mp3
04. Stars In A Clear Sky.mp3
05. Days Of Joy.mp3
06. Summer Dreaming.mp3
07. Drift Away.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Four Seasons 四季系列Winter 冬 [MP3]
01. Winter Light.mp3
02. First Snow.mp3
03. By The Fire.mp3
04. The Mist On The Hills.mp3
05. Companions.mp3
06. The Silence.mp3
07. Reflections.mp3
08. The First Sign Of Spring.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Gregorian Devotion 格利高裡奉獻 [MP3]
01 - Pange Lingua.mp3
02 - Kyrie Eleison & Sanctus.mp3
03 - Veni Creato.mp3
04 - Resting in Cloisters.mp3
05 - Greek Allelujah.mp3
06 - Agnus Dei.mp3
07 - Gregorian Soul.mp3
08 - The Abbey Grounds.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Heavens Breath 天堂呼吸 [MP3]
01 - The Foretelling.mp3
02 - Dream on Until Tomorrow.mp3
03 - Summoning the Ancients.mp3
04 - Watcher of the Dawn.mp3
05 - Under the Stars.mp3
06 - Whisper of the Panpipes.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Life Style Series 生活風格系列Music For Crystal Healing 水晶治療音樂 [MP3]
01 - Amethyst.mp3
02 - Calcite.mp3
03 - Flourite.mp3
04 - Quartz.mp3
05 - Rose Quartz.mp3
06 - Green Tourmaline.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Life Style Series 生活風格系列Music For Dolphin Experience 海豚體驗音樂 [MP3]
01. Dolphin Energy.mp3
02. Sanctuary.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Life Style Series 生活風格系列Music for Healing 治療音樂 [MP3]
01. Relax.mp3
02. Let Thought In.mp3
03. Release.mp3
04. Heal.mp3
05. Revitalise.mp3
06. Relax - with birdsong.mp3
07. Let Thought In - with birdsong.mp3
08. Release - with birdsong.mp3
09. Heal - with birdsong.mp3
10. Revitalise - with birdsong.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Life Style Series 生活風格系列Music for Perfect Sleep完美睡眠音樂 [MP3]
01 - Evening Slumbers.mp3
02 - Healing Waters.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Natural Balance 自然平衡系列April Showers四月陣雨 [MP3]
01 - april showers.mp3
02 - april showers with music.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Natural Balance 自然平衡系列Calm Ocean 平靜的海洋[MP3]
01 - Calm Ocean.mp3
02 - Calm Ocean with Music.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Natural Balance 自然平衡系列English Summer英格蘭的夏天 [MP3]
01 - English Summer.mp3
02 - English Summer with music.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Scarborough Fair斯卡布羅市集 [MP3]
01 - Scarborough Fair.mp3
02 - Dance to your Daddy.mp3
03 - English Country Garden.mp3
04 - Early One Morning.mp3
05 - Geordie.mp3
06 - Greensleeves.mp3
07 - Praties.mp3
08 - Lovely Joan.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-The Magic Of Easter Island 神奇的復活島 [MP3]
01 - Islands.mp3
02 - Watcher Of The Sea.mp3
03 - Sacred Mountain.mp3
04 - The Mist And The Stillness.mp3
05 - Idols.mp3
06 - The Wonder.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2001-Timeless(永恆)[FLAC+CUE]
01 Timeless.mp3
02 Gilded Autumn.mp3
03 The Wilderness Within.mp3
04 The Old Way.mp3
05 River of Emotion.mp3
06 South South-West.mp3
07 Lost In The Moment.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2002-Collection 2精華2 [MP3]
Arrows Of Desire.mp3
Goddess Power.mp3
In Search Of Truth.mp3
Native Soul.mp3
Pearls Of Wisdom.mp3
Sacred Mountain.mp3
Spirits Of The Mountain.mp3
Surrounded By Nymphs.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2002-Snows Of Kilimanjaro(乞力馬扎羅山的雪)[APE整軌]
01. Kilimanjaro.mp3
02. Be All You Can Be.mp3
03. Journeys Of The Heart.mp3
04. Snow In Africa.mp3
05. Forest Trail.mp3
06. Ascent.mp3
07. Above The Clouds.mp3
08. Dawn Over Africa.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2003-Chronicles:An Epic Tale In Music 編年史:音樂裡的史詩故事 [MP3]
01 - Hollow Earth (The Core).mp3
02 - The Kingdom of Kaldorn.mp3
03 - The Firestorms of Kundrah.mp3
04 - The Quest.mp3
05 - Refuge of Aquos.mp3
06 - Glendavern Castle.mp3
07 - The Vale of Eshmoor.mp3
08 - Shrine of Angels.mp3
09 - Descend into the Core.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2003-Medwyn's Cornwall 梅得溫的康沃爾 [MP3]
01 - The End of Winter.mp3
02 - Bodmin Moor.mp3
03 - Kynance Cove.mp3
04 - Golitha Falls.mp3
05 - Lanyon Quoit.mp3
06 - Mylor.mp3
07 - Godrevy Point.mp3
08 - Dusk.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2003-Rhythm of the Ancients(遠古的韻律)[APE整軌]
01. Trail of Vines.mp3
02. Hail of Symbols.mp3
03. Book of Secrets.mp3
04. Lost City.mp3
05. Prophecy.mp3
06. Chamber of the Gods.mp3
07. The Gates of Eternity.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-Coral Sand(珊瑚礁)[FLAC+CUE]
01 Medwyn Goodall - Lagoon.mp3
02 Medwyn Goodall - Tropical Shoreline.mp3
03 Medwyn Goodall - Island.mp3
04 Medwyn Goodall - Secret Realm.mp3
05 Medwyn Goodall - Pebbles.mp3
06 Medwyn Goodall - Sea Horses.mp3
07 Medwyn Goodall - Palm Tree Cove.mp3
08 Medwyn Goodall - White Sails.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-Eye of The Wolf(狼的眼睛)[APE整軌]
01. Dances on Clouds.mp3
02. Native Soul.mp3
03. Spirit Flute.mp3
04. Spirits of the Mountain.mp3
05. Delivering the Prayers.mp3
06. Eye of the Wolf.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-Land of the Inca印加大地[FLAC+CUE]
01 - Chimborazo.mp3
02 - Machu Picchu.mp3
03 - Taruca.mp3
04 - Sangay.mp3
05 - Vicuna.mp3
06 - El Misti.mp3
07 - Atacama.mp3
08 - Viscacha.mp3
09 - Machu Picchu II.mp3
10 - Cordillera de Blanca.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-Medicine WomanVol.3(女巫醫系列III The Rising 躍升)[APE整軌]
01. Invocation Part 3.mp3
02. Farewell To The Darkness.mp3
03. Faith.mp3
04. Sherpa.mp3
05. Divinity.mp3
06. Hymn For The Loss Of Innocence.mp3
07. Temple Journey Part 2.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-Momentum 1990-2004 氣勢1990-2004 [MP3]
Momentum - CD1 @256
01 - Dances on the Cloud.mp3
02 - Spire Mountain.mp3
03 - Merlin's Cave.mp3
04 - The Legend of El Cid.mp3
05 - White Sails.mp3
06 - Machu Picchu.mp3
07 - Thunder Gods.mp3
08 - Dozmary Pool.mp3
09 - Coral Palace.mp3
10 - Magic Centre.mp3

└─Momentum - CD2 @256
01 - Hollow Earth.mp3
02 - Endless Search.mp3
03 - Unconditional Love.mp3
04 - Coral Island.mp3
05 - Spin of the Reel.mp3
06 - Snow Kingdom Forever.mp3
07 - King Arthur.mp3
08 - Headwind.mp3
09 - Spirit Journey.mp3
10 - All for Love.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-Sacred Medicine(巫師聖藥)[APE整軌]
01. Medicine Man.mp3
02. Whisper on the Wind.mp3
03. Summon the Wolf.mp3
04. Dance of the White Buffalo.mp3
05. Spirit Journey.mp3
06. Wah Kon Tah.mp3
07. The North Winds.mp3
08. The Ancient Ones.mp3
09. Spirit of a Shaman.mp3
10. Prayer.mp3
11. Eagle Guide.mp3
12. Sacred Call.mp3
13. Wisdom Lives On.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2004-The Dragon's Breath (龍的呼吸)[FLAC+CUE]
01 - The Dragon's Breath.mp3
02 - The Wizard.mp3
03 - Amulet.mp3
04 - The Elven Forest.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005(Midori)-Bonsai Garden(盆栽花園)[APE整軌]
01. The Master and the Moment.mp3
02. Cloud Trees.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-King Arthur 3CD Set亞瑟王3CD精選集1[APE整軌]
01. Merlin's Cave.mp3
02. Castle on the Cliff.mp3
03. The Round Table.mp3
04. The Joust.mp3
05. Betrothal.mp3
06. My Lady's Garden.mp3
07. Merlin & the Dragon's Breath.mp3
08. One Land One King.mp3
09. King Arthur.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-King Arthur 3CD Set亞瑟王3CD精選集2[APE整軌]
01. The Grail.mp3
02. Endless Search.mp3
03. Galahad.mp3
04. Journey's End.mp3
05. Harvest Moon.mp3
06. Morgan le Fey.mp3
07. Love and Fate.mp3
08. Forbidden Kiss.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-King Arthur 3CD Set亞瑟王3CD精選集3[APE整軌]
01. The Path of Merlin.mp3
02. Pendragon Legacy.mp3
03. The Age of Chivalry.mp3
04. King Arthur II.mp3
05. The Round Table II.mp3
06. All for Love.mp3
07. The Grail II.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-The Natural Sound Of Dolphins自然之聲之海豚之聲[MP3]
Above The Waves.mp3
Below The Waves.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-The Natural Sound Of Morning Birdsong自然之聲之清晨鳥鳴[MP3]
Dawn Chorus.mp3
The Forest Awakens.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-The natural sound of Mountain stream自然之聲之山間小溪[MP3]

Medwyn Goodall2005-The natural sound of ocean waes自然之聲之海浪之聲[MP3]
The Sea 2.mp3
The Sea.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-The natural sound of rain forest自然之聲之熱帶雨林[MP3]

Medwyn Goodall2005-The Natural Sound Of Thunderstorm自然之聲系列-暴風雨[MP3]

Medwyn Goodall2005-The Natural Sound Of Woodland Walk自然之聲之林地漫步[MP3]
Woodland Walk.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-Tribal Nation(部落民族)[FLAC+CUE]
01 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Lumaria.mp3
02 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Love Set Me Free.mp3
03 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Deepest India.mp3
04 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Tribal Nation.mp3
05 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Dancing in the Dust.mp3
06 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Lumaria part II.mp3
07 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Firewalker.mp3
08 Medwyn Goodall & Scott Jasper - Love Set Me Free part II.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2005-Winds Across The Pacific(飛越太平洋)[APE整軌]
01. The Midnight Waters.mp3
02. Winds Across The Pacific.mp3
03. White Sails.mp3
04. The Restless Tide.mp3
05. Coral Islands.mp3
06. Turquoise.mp3
07. Secret Depths.mp3
08. Pacific Ocean Beauty.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2006-Natural World(自然世界)[APE整軌]
01. Eyes Of Heaven.mp3
02. Albatross.mp3
03. Undersea Oasis.mp3
04. Dolphin Companion.mp3
05. Return To Atlantis.mp3
06. Shrine Of The Elders.mp3
07. Spirit Dancer.mp3
08. The Gold Talisman.mp3
09. Earth Passing.mp3
10. Millennium Part 4.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2006-OM (聖音)[APE整軌]
01. Eastern Sunrise.mp3
02. Mystery.mp3
03. Angel Keeper.mp3
04. Time.mp3
05. Inner Journey.mp3
06. Tenderness.mp3
07. OM.mp3
08. Crystal Fields.mp3
09. Voyage.mp3
10. Mahayana.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2006-The Sorcerer's Daughter(天鵝公主)[APE整軌]
01. Legacy.mp3
02. Owls in Mind.mp3
03. The Crystal Shard.mp3
04. The Sorcerer's Daughter (Aria).mp3
05. The Wizard's Tower.mp3
06. House of Elders.mp3
07. The Bloodline.mp3
08. Casting Spells.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2006-The Way Of The Ocean(海豚三部曲 III 海洋之旅)[APE整軌]
01. Sweet Wilderness.mp3
02. Sanctuary.mp3
03. Still Waters Run Deep.mp3
04. Dolphin Companion.mp3
05. Albatross.mp3
06. Light On A Silver Sea.mp3
07. Call Of The Ocean.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2007-A promise of angels承諾系列之天使 [MP3]
01 - Seraphim.mp3
02 - Cherubs.mp3
03 - Thrones.mp3
04 - Dominions.mp3
05 - Virtues.mp3
06 - Powers.mp3
07 - Principalities.mp3
08 - Archangels.mp3
09 - Angels.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2007-A promise of faeries承諾系列之精靈 [MP3]
01 - Tir Tairngire.mp3
02 - Mag Mor.mp3
03 - The Calling.mp3
04 - Tirfo Thuinn.mp3
05 - Dusk.mp3
06 - The Doorway.mp3
07 - Faery Ring.mp3
08 - Tir Aill.mp3
09 - Tir Nam.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2007-A promise of healing承諾系列之治療 [MP3]
01 - energy.mp3
02 - moon.mp3
03 - peace.mp3
04 - magic.mp3
05 - water.mp3
06 - air.mp3
07 - love.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2007-A promise of serenity承諾系列之寧靜 [MP3]
01 - pure.mp3
02 - grace.mp3
03 - fairness.mp3
04 - calm.mp3
05 - peace.mp3
06 - stillness.mp3
07 - clarity.mp3
08 - quietness.mp3
09 - serenity.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2007-Earth Goddess(地球女神)[APE整軌]
01. Amulet.mp3
02. Sungrass.mp3
03. Totem.mp3
04. Shadows of the Mind.mp3
05. Goddess Power.mp3
06. Topaz.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2007-Island Bliss天堂島 [MP3]
01. Amulet.mp3
02. Sungrass.mp3
03. Totem.mp3
04. Shadows Of The Mind.mp3
05. Goddess Power.mp3
06. Topaz.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2008-Amun Ra(阿蒙·雷)[APE整軌]
01. Amun Ra.mp3
02. The Lost Pharoah.mp3
03. Temples of the Sun.mp3
04. Gold in the Sand.mp3
05. Dance of Veils.mp3
06. Sunspell.mp3
07. Ra - single version.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2008-Serve Chilled冰極 [MP3]
Crossing The Divide.mp3
Frozen Ghosts.mp3
Ice Magic.mp3
Keep Chilled.mp3
Serve Chilled.mp3
Where Imaginations Meet.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2009-DruidII(德魯伊II)[APE整軌]
01. Nine Maiden Chronicles - part 1.mp3
02. Nine Maiden Chronicles - part 2.mp3
03. Nine Maiden Chronicles - part 3.mp3
04. Full Moon Gathering.mp3
05. Where Pathways Meet.mp3
06. The Sunwise Path.mp3
07. The Circle Cast.mp3
08. Nine Maiden Chronicles - part 4.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2009-OM 2 聖音2 [MP3]
Choir Of Heaven.mp3
Golden Nucleus.mp3
In Search Of Silence.mp3
Leaf On The Wind.mp3
Midnight Deep.mp3
Mystery School.mp3
Reaching Out.mp3
Sunrise Sunset.mp3
Universal Sound.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2009-Origins(吉他原音)[APE整軌]
01. Always Faithful.mp3
02. The Long Mountains.mp3
03. When Love Whispers.mp3
04. The Stipperstones.mp3
05. Alice.mp3
06. Coming Home.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2010-Clan III:The lands Beyond(凱爾特部落三部曲 III:超越大地)[FLAC+CUE]
01 - The Lands Beyond.mp3
02 - Ghosts of the Fallen.mp3
03 - Clansman - Part I.mp3
04 - The White Dragon.mp3
05 - The Maidens Ring.mp3
06 - An End of Kings.mp3
07 - Storm Drums.mp3
08 - Clansman - Part II.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2010-Medicine WomanVol.4(女巫醫系列IV:Prophecy 2012 預言)[FLAC+CUE]
01. The Time Keepers.mp3
02. When Light Beckons.mp3
03. Celestial Invitation.mp3
04. Solar Waves.mp3
05. Prophecy.mp3
06. Crystal Skulls.mp3
07. No More Tomorrows.mp3
08. The Enlightened.mp3
09. The Next Dimension.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2011-(Midori)A Promise Of Enchantment(承諾的魅力)[MP3]
01 - Far Away Land.mp3
02 - Whispering Light.mp3
03 - Spell Caster.mp3
04 - Spirit Echoes.mp3
05 - Shadow Dance.mp3
06 - Forest Of The Disappeared.mp3
07 - Maiden.mp3
08 - Hero's Return.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2011-Knight(騎士)[MP3]
01 - Thee Immortal.mp3
02 - Enchantress.mp3
03 - The Light and the Darkness.mp3
04 - Wizards Banquet.mp3
05 - Demons.mp3
06 - No More Goodbyes.mp3
07 - Age of Heroes.mp3
08 - Knight.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2011-Tears of The Dragon(龍之淚)[FLAC+CUE]
01 - The Grand Illusion.mp3
02 - A Time of Choice.mp3
03 - The Storm Lands.mp3
04 - Awakening From The Dream.mp3
05 - Through Shadows.mp3
06 - Ascendant.mp3
07 - Tears of the Dragon.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2011-With Every Breath (伴隨每一次呼吸)[FLAC+CUE]
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 01 - With Every Breath.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 02 - Barefoot in the Snow.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 03 - Discovery.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 04 - Shrine.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 05 - Sands of Time.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 06 - Mountain Temple.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 07 - The Ancient Trail.mp3
Medwyn Goodall & Aroshanti - With Every Breath - 08 - Pilgrimage.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2012-(Midori)A Promise Of Love(愛的承諾)[MP3]
01 - A Promise of Love.mp3
02 - Together As One.mp3
03 - Two Flames.mp3
04 - My Valentine.mp3
05 - The Yearning.mp3
06 - All of My Heart.mp3
07 - Love is All We Need.mp3
08 - Cupid's Arrow.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2012-Earth Healer Ⅱ(地球醫生2)[MP3]
01.Free Spirit.mp3
02.No More Boundaries.mp3
03.Sun On My Shoulders.mp3
04.Feet In The Grass.mp3
05.To The Other Side.mp3
06.Only Love Matters.mp3
07.Down Spirit Road.mp3
08.Watching Stars.mp3

Medwyn Goodall2012-Moon Goddess Ⅱ(月亮女神2)[FLAC+CUE]
01 - Moonstone.mp3
02 - Serving Grace.mp3
03 - In the Moment.mp3
04 - Starseed.mp3
05 - The Eyes of Love.mp3
06 - A Little Faith.mp3
07 - Believe in You.mp3
08 - On My Way Home.mp3
09 - Beyond.mp3


